Labels Play A Crucial Role in Enhancing the Sustainability of Packaging

More and more product manufacturers are facing immense pressure from both consumers and politicians who are demanding a radical reform in the way they design and produce packaging for their products.
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Consumers are eager to positively impact the planet and not burden the environment. However, this often comes in the context of conflicting and erroneous information, incorrect data, or even various myths. Yet, it can be said that it is precisely the consumers, with their demand for sustainable packaging, that are accelerating the transformation in the packaging segment.

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Sustainability requirements are therefore increasing, and the legislation relating to this area is constantly evolving. All manufacturers need to respond to this situation and make new decisions about packaging for their products.

Labels are generally small and may seem insignificant from a sustainability perspective in the packaging industry. However, choosing the right type of label is key to preventing issues in the recycling process. If you do not choose the right type of label, they can contaminate recycling streams, which may require further significant wastage of natural resources.

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At ETIS Slovakia, we help manufacturers navigate through a plethora of solutions for product labeling with adhesive labels, emphasizing overall sustainability. In doing so, our customers can better achieve their environmental goals. Whether you need an ecological solution for an existing label or are trying to create new packaging with sustainability in mind, we are here to help. Nowadays, almost all major brands are setting sustainable packaging goals for the coming years. Whether they aim to make their packaging 100% reusable or 100% recyclable.

In this context, we at ETIS Slovakia have identified four paths of sustainability in the field of adhesive labels:

1. Use of Recycled Materials

We continually strive to increase the offer of self-adhesive labels made from recycled materials. Thanks to the responsible approach of our customers, we are continuously increasing the proportion of used recycled materials, even though they are sometimes more expensive (for now). Studies show that more than 75% of all new recyclable plastics are lost. By demanding recycled materials, we accelerate positive changes in waste processing.

2. Facilitating Effective Packaging Recycling

For packaging to be effectively recycled after use, certain principles and appropriate combinations between the type of packaging itself, the type of adhesive, and the type of label must be observed. We are happy to provide advice in this regard as well.

3. Refillable and Reusable Packaging

The most suitable example is glass bottles whose label must be easily washable under certain conditions to allow for repeated use of the bottle. This is one of the most ecological packaging solutions in general.

4. Using Formats with Less Material and Natural Resource Consumption

This is the most logical way to save material, but it can often be in contrast to the marketing or other requirements for product packaging. The growing consumer demand for the use of fewer natural resources means that creative thinking is necessary.

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